sign up for three emails; Yes I said three
- Email 1- Blogs, coupon sites, Samples and your facebook.
- Email 2 - Surveys and money opportunities.
- Email 3- Your personal blog
Sign up as a new user on facebook. It is best to keep your personal facebook account and coupon saver separate or your page will be a mess trying to sort out coupons and family.
Create a blog (Using your third email). Now why I say third email is because when someone posts you will know it immediately without having to wade threw all the other emails.
I check E1 every morning and see what is new, the specials and what other bloggers have found in great coupons. Print out the ones I would use bypass the others. I also check who won the contests that bloggers put on for everyone. Who knows I may have won something.
I then check E2 and do the surveys. Now if you find a company is only sending you "sign up for these ten things we will give you XX pennies" unsubscribe, there are good sites out there that pay you well and fast for small tasks and surveys. My favorite can be found under the Earn Cash & Gifts tab. They have already paid me Amazon gift card and I am earning more as we speak.
You receive points for searching using their search bar, looking at videos and doing small tasks. When I choose my cards I always take ones that will get me free food items or things I need for everyday living. If you don't have to buy them it is a savings.
Last I check E3 to see if any followers have questions or post something for me.
Daily I check facebook to see deals and contests posted. I had also signed up as a facebook fan for companies that I use their products and they randomly post on facebook if they have new coupons out or special deals.
Lastly I head over to facebook giveaways and sign up for 5 contest. I have already won a few contests and trying for more.
If I sign up for a new survey company I post it on my blog then when I want friends to join I post the link to my blog site. Why you ask?
The reason for this is so they will know you have a blog and sign up perhaps tell their friends who will sign up. They will see things you joined and join them too creating a referral line.
Now my day for couponing is done, usually takes me a couple hours but as a stay at home mom I consider it my job.
Now every Sunday I go through my coupons and take out the expired ones. I don't throw them away. You can mail them to Coups for troops since they can use them 6 months after expired date.
I take the ones out of my binder that will end within 7 days and put them in an envelope listing them on a sheet of paper then look for the best deals for the coupons. Now if I don't find anything I don't worry there is often a new coupon coming out.
Well that is my couponing time every week. It may seem like a lot but it goes fast once you learn the ins and outs. You may also do things different then I do but that is okay too. Do what works for you.
You're friend Cheryl.